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PCSK9 Inhibitors: The What, How and Wow!
Product Description
Gain insights into the fascinating science behind PCSK9 inhibitors through this narrated presentation. Dr. Kim Birtcher’s deep dive into the evidence from the FOURIER and ODYSSEY clinical trials and a visualization of the mechanism of action will help you more precisely prescribe and dose PCKS9 inhibitors for your patients.

Learning Objectives
Upon complettion of this activity, participants should be able to:
  1. Describe the mechanism of action of a PCSK9 inhibitor
  2. Explain the evidence from the ODYSSEY and FOURIER clinical trials
  3. Evaluate dosing for PCSK9 inhibitors and concomitant medications
Target Audience
The intended audience is cardiovascular team clinicians who participate in Transform LDL-C Risk and who coordinate treatment plans and/or deliver care for patients with hypercholesterolemia.

Kim K. Birtcher, PharmD, MS, AACC, FNLA

Clinical Professor
University of Houston College of Pharmacy

Peer Reviewer
Pamela B. Morris, MD, FACC, FAHA, FASPC, FNLA
Director, Seinsheimer Cardiovascular Health Program
Co-Director, Women's Heart Care
Medical University of South Carolina

Educational grant support provided by REGENERON

Disclaimer: This activity does not offer credit.
Availability: Retired
Cost: FREE
Credit Offered:
No Credit Offered
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