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Pulmonary Hypertension Definition, Classification and Epidemiology in Asia
Pulmonary Hypertension Definition, Classification and Epidemiology in Asia

Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is caused by a range of conditions and is important to recognize as it is associated with increased mortality. Pulmonary arterial hypertension refers to a group of PH subtypes affecting the distal pulmonary arteries for which effective treatment is available. The hemodynamic definition of pulmonary arterial hypertension has recently changed which may lead to greater case recognition and earlier treatment. The prevalence of specific PH etiologies may differ depending on geographic region. PH caused by left heart disease is the most common cause of PH worldwide. In Asia, there is greater proportion of congenital heart disease– and connective tissue disease– (especially systemic lupus erythematosus) related PH relative to the West. This review summarizes the definition, classification, and epidemiology of PH as it pertains to Asia.

JACC: Asia Editor-in-Chief 

Jian’an Wang, MD, PhD, FACC

CME Editor 

Kenneth A. Ellenbogen, MD


James Anderson, BSC, MBBS, MBIOSTAT



Important Dates


Date of Release: October 18, 2022
Term of Approval/Date of CME/MOC/ECME Expiration: October 17, 2023



Availability: Retired
Cost: FREE
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