Welcome to CathSAP!
CathSAP covers the entire field of interventional cardiology and is a great resource for:
Perfecting your knowledge of interventional cardiology – Use CathSAP to identify your knowledge gaps, reinforce your existing knowledge, and learn new information.
Earning CME/MOC credit – CathSAP will offer enough CME credit and MOC points in Medical Knowledge for all your licensing and certification requirements for up to 5 years. 120+ credits!
Passing the Boards – Use CathSAP to prepare for the Boards – learn about the ABIM blueprint, simulate taking a Board exam, practice with hundreds of ABIM-style questions that include rationale, references, and links to related text, learn from educational text and lectures, and identify your knowledge gaps so you can plan additional study.
Completing your MOC assessment requirement – CathSAP now includes the Collaborative Maintenance Pathway (CMP), a free alternative option that integrates lifelong learning with assessment and is the shortest path between learning and maintaining your credentials Attention CardioSource Plus Users Planning to Participate in the CMP:
- Your institution’s subscription to CardioSource Plus does not include the CMP. If you want to participate in the CMP, you will need to purchase your own personal version of CathSAP.
- As long as you use the same ACC.org account to access CathSAP through CardioSource Plus and to access your personal subscription to CathSAP, your progress and usage data will be stored in one central location.
- You have two options for ordering CathSAP:
- Order by phone. ACC's Member Care team may be reached at 800-253-4636, x5603 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET.
- Order CathSAP Online through the CMP Enrollment. Note: technical issues will prevent you from purchasing outside of enrollment.