Hear from the experts as they discuss the role of nonstatin therapies according to the 2018 clinical practice guidelines on Blood Cholesterol. Gain clarity on the concept of lipid thresholds, and how they differ from lipid targets and goals, and review how to manage nonstatin therapies for patients based on their ASCVD risk.
The treatment of clinical dyslipidemia—a long-standing cornerstone in the prevention and management of primary and secondary ASCVD—has markedly increased in complexity. With new guidelines and clinical trials redefining “high-risk,” the evolving role of therapeutic benchmarks, powerful novel agents, and rigorous documentation requirements for intensification of therapies, lipid management remains as complicated as ever. This activity will help learners identify, and develop a treatment plan for, high risk hypercholesterolemia patients with known ASCVD that who would benefit from aggressive lipid management to improve patient care.
Target Audience
The intended audience is cardiovascular team clinicians who participate in Transform LDL-C Risk and who coordinate treatment plans and/or deliver care for patients with hypercholesterolemia.
Pamela B. Morris, MD, FACC, FAHA, FASPC, FNLA
Director, Seinsheimer Cardiovascular Health Program
Co-Director, Women's Heart Care
Medical University of South Carolina
Roger S. Blumenthal, MD, FACC
Director, Ciccarone Center for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease
Johns Hopkins Hospital
Carl E. Orringer, MD, FACC
Associate Professor of Medicine
Director, Preventive Cardiovascular Medicine
Cardiovascular Division
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Educational grant support provided by REGENERON
Disclaimer: This activity does not offer credit.